From Our Visionary

Greetings and welcome to our online platform. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Clarence Presley-Brown and I am the Lead Elder of Word of Truth International Ministries and The Discipleship Center. I am also the founder of the K.I.N. Network.
I serve primarily in the Northwest region of the United States, but I have a kingdom heart for all nations. God in His sovereignty chose to reveal His saving grace through Christ Jesus our Lord unto me and has laid a charge on my life to honor and glorify His name by living intentionally on Mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ.
I have come to a place in my walk where I have began to function as a prophetic and apostolic catalyst in God’s holy church to serve the nations by first caring about our neighbors. Because of this paradigm shift that has come from a renovation of my thinking (renewing the mind), by the revelation of the Holy Spirit, and through the studying of the written word of God, I am beginning to walk in a newness as it relates to Kingdom.
I believe that God has ignited a fresh mandate upon our ministry to live into the great commission; and it has shifted our focus from simply gathering to host a Sunday service. It has become our express aim to become intentional about equipping and supporting those that have committed themselves to being disciples of Jesus and obeying his charge to go and make additional disciples wherever we go.
The “wherever you go” or “as you are going” has become a “calling card” among those that identify W.O.T.I.M. and its Ministries as their home base or their covering network. We believe that wherever you are in life that God has called you there. Therefore, we reiterated that “all of life is ministry” and that God calls us to influence the spaces where He has placed us. We do not see Sunday as “the sacred day” because we do not distinguish life through a dualistic paradigm that separates life into sacred and secular.
We wholeheartedly believe that the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. What this means for us is that God is calling for His people to walk in the abundant life of Christ to influence every sphere of influence in the world. We believe that in order to be effective the believer needs to commit to being equipped to lead their best lives by tapping into the their passion and purpose (calling) to be truly led by the Holy Spirit to bear witness of Christ wherever they are. We have created The Discipleship Center to equip such people.
We want to lead a movement of transformation where we witness communities all over beginning to be transformed into the family of God; because those who were sent by God showed up and revealed Jesus holistically.