Whose We Are:
We belong to God! We believe in one true God eternally existing in three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully and equally God; possessing all of the divine nature and attributes, and is totally worthy of our worship and service. We believe that God is sovereign and He has called us to be a non-traditional church, akin to the pattern of the early church.
Who We Are:
We are an authentic community of Jesus followers who are called to be the church wherever we are. He has wired us to be an equipping and sending ministry and as such leaders can anticipate being empowered to LIVE ON MISSION because ALL OF LIFE IS MINISTRY.
We find that we are at our best when...
We keep it simple and build on the foundation of sound Bible teaching, prayer, and discipleship.
We want to preach what’s in the book (the Bible).
We want what we teach and who we are to have real life application.
We are being authentic, real, inviting, informed and transparent.
We want everyone to be free to discover who God made them to be so they can walk in their God-given identity.
We are a band of believers who desire to be…
deeply aware of who God has made us individually and as a body
real & relational
in-reachers and outreachers
menders, equippers, and senders
How we view discipleship making and living out our core values can be summarized as follows:
God-centered relationships is where ministry begins and is sustained;
Intimacy with God reveals our identity and purpose and reconciles the broken to Jesus;
Helping believers discover and live out their calling is an integral foundational aspect in making disciples.
Disciples follow Jesus and along the way are intentional about inviting others to follow
These desires influence what we do, how we do it, and why we do it.

The Discipleship Center is called to function as a school of Missions where:
calling will be clarified,
theology will be solidified,
and missions will be practiced.
The Discipleship Center is a training center for all levels of spiritual growth – from the newest believer to the most seasoned saint. Our goal is to live into the early church model of being a sending church that desires to duplicate and multiply.
This process is similar to the natural family that hopes for its children to grow and become successful by establishing their identity and moving out to expand the family by beginning their own.