Hello & Welcome to The Discipleship Center
We are a reaching, relational, and equipping ministry. We want to duplicate what God is doing in our lives and bring multiplication to the Kingdom by developing and raising up new leaders for Jesus.
Our Vision
Our vision is to see communities transformed into the family of God by equipping leaders to impact communities.
It is our desire to see this happen organically yet with intentionality. We believe that God has wired us uniquely with certain gifts, talents, and passions and it is with these in mind that we reach out to God’s people and begin cultivating relationships.
Our Mission
Our mission is to be disciples who make disciples of Jesus Christ. We believe that we should always be learning and challenged on what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
We all need someone who is ahead of us on this journey so we can continue moving onward and upward. We also know that we may be further along in the process (in certain areas) than others, and it is our responsibility to give back and disciple others so they can further mature in Christ.
Our Core Values
Our core values are: Reach, Mend, Teach, Send. We understand that we have to reach who God has called us to reach, before the true process of mending, teaching, and sending can begin.

Gathering Times
Sunday Morning worship and fellowship begins at 11:00 AM. It is not unusual for us to hang out for coffee and conversation afterwards.
Wednesday night is our Empowerment Hour from 6 PM to 7:00 PM.
Any additional services and gatherings will be announced through our Newsletter and on our website under the Gatherings & Calendar tab.
Ministry in Action...
The K.I.N. Network is a multi-denominational (Kingdom) fellowship of Urban Missionaries, Church Planters, Pastors, Community Leaders, and Business Leaders. We have assembled together to function as a multi-ethnic, missional movement and ministry association to support each other through engagement, equipping, and empowerment.
The K.I.N. Network will assist and support new and existing missional leaders who value the sharing of the Gospel holistically. Our primary aim is to see communities transformed into the family of God.

Key things to know about our ministry...

"I believe that God has ignited a fresh mandate upon our ministry to live into the great commission; and it has shifted our focus from simply gathering to host a Sunday service.
It has become our express aim to become intentional about equipping and supporting those that have committed themselves to being disciples of Jesus and obeying his charge to go and make additional disciples wherever we go."
- Pastor Clarence Presley
We invite you to join our mailing list and receive emails with news, updates, teachings, and encouragement to live on mission for Jesus Christ.
We are truly better together!